An Introduction to Jigsaw's Youth Mental Health Promotion Team for FET Settings (Online, October 2022)

Jigsaw is a youth mental health charity which offers a range of mental health supports and services to both young people (aged 12-25 years) and those around them in the settings where they live, learn, work and play.

The Youth Mental Health Promotion team for FET and Higher Education is a new work stream within the Youth Mental Health Promotion department at Jigsaw. The primary aim of this team is to increase the mental health knowledge, skills, and resources of young people, and those around them across FET and higher education settings.

The following are the aims for this online PD event:

  • Provide an introduction to Jigsaw & the work of their dedicated Youth Mental Health Promotion team for FET settings (including FE Colleges, Training Centres, Youthreach Centres, and other centres and learning settings where FET learners attend and participate)
  • Explore the role of FET settings in supporting & promoting youth mental health
  • Introduce ways FET staff may be able to support and promote youth mental health as part of a whole-centre approach to mental health and wellbeing
  • Facilitate a discussion on potential ways Jigsaw may be able to further contribute to supporting and promoting youth mental health and wellbeing in FET settings

Please note: this will be an interactive session and participants will be asked to work in breakout rooms during the session in order to share ideas and expertise.

The target audience for this event is: FET staff including management, teachers, tutors, trainers, programme coordinators, guidance counsellors, learning support staff and wellbeing officers. Please note: Jigsaw's remit is in the area of youth mental health specifically (young people aged 12-25). However, it is anticipated that this session will be of benefit to all FET providers, as learning in this area can be applied and of benefit to those working with all learners, regardless of age.

Facilitation: This event will be facilitated by Jigsaw’s FET & Higher education team within the Youth Mental Health Promotion department.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP ( as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Properties

Event Date 05-10-2022 10:00
Event End Date 05-10-2022 12:00
Cut off date 04-10-2022 9:00
Capacity 100
Registered 67
Available place 33
Individual Price Free
Location Online (Link to event will be e-mailed)

We are no longer accepting registration for this event